The depiction of HTTrack Website Copier

HTTrack is a free programming (GPL) disconnected program utility, permitting you to download (duplicate) a site from the Internet to a nearby registry, constructing recursively all indexes, getting html, pictures, and different records from the worker to your gadget.

HTTrack organizes the first site's relative connection structure. Basically open a page of the "reflected" site in your program, and you can peruse the webpage from connection to interface, as though you were seeing it on the web.

HTTrack can likewise refresh a current reflected webpage, and resume interfered with downloads.

(This is the Android form of the mainstream Website Copier.)

HTTrack Website Copier Update




Android 6 and 7 fixes (crashes at startup or potentially during peruse), SDcard is presently chosen by Additional Android 6 (Marshmallow) and 7 (Nougat) fixes identified with crash at startup as well as issues getting to downloaded sites (crashes when requesting to peruse or see the documentation), and update to the most recent HTTrack source codebase. Sorry for the Android 6/7 issues, identified with extraordinary changes in approach from yield.